Friday, November 27, 2015

Cereal Premiums - Star Wars

Nostalgia struck me in the supermarket aisles and I felt compelled to buy cereal just for the promised toy. Hadn't done that in over thirty years. I like Reese's Puffs cereal, but couldn't fool the wife into believing that I got it for anything but the toy inside. One thing that's changed for the better - the toy is separately bagged so there is no need to dig through the cereal to find it. Here is one of the promised viewers - shaped like the robot PZ-4CO from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I loved these types of viewers as a kid, and still appreciate them today. I like the perceived need to include instructions as to how to use a toy you look through. The act of reading the instruction is actually more complex than using the actual toy.

 Photographing the scene inside the toy proved to be difficult - got good, not great images from it.

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