Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Batmobile (DHP34) from the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here is the latest version of the venerable Batmobile (DHP34) from Hot Wheels 2016 Mainline. It is from the upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The flat black and faceted body gave my camera fits in trying to photograph the model. Looks good with the right lighting, though. From the card back: 
"Specialty: First revealed in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE, this BATMOBILE features requisite gull wing doors, plus partial wheel covers and plenty of heavy artillery."


  1. hey I really like the first picture, where did you get the miniature Batman? is it a Heroclik? Thanx in advance!

  2. Figure is from Zerboz ... Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/zerboztoys/
    Haven't seem them in the stores in a while, but I think you can still get them on eBay.
