Sunday, November 8, 2015

1978 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup from Hot Wheels 2012 Mainline

Here is the "stock" version of the Li'l Red Express pickup from the 2012 mainline. With nice, clean tampos and factory fresh canyon red paint - this is Hot Wheels at its best. From the card back:
"This cult classic is more than just a little red wagon for grownups! Engineered for speed, it boasts a high-performance 360-V8, breathing through a 4-barrel carburetor. It's a ton of fun too!"
'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

'78 Dodge Li'l Red Express pickup (V5322)

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