Sunday, September 7, 2014

Diorama of Egyptian mummification (part 3)

Mummification diorama part 3:

"Bandaging the mummy is a difficult job. 

After washing, oiling and perhaps stuffing the body, the embalmers separately wrapped each finger and toe. Priests oversaw the placement of protective amulets and pronounced the proper prayers at each new step. As much as 400 yards worth of linen strips were used to completely wrap the body.

The internal organs were separately wrapped in special jars, called Canopic jars, to be buried with the mummy. After giving the body a protective coat of hot liquid pine resin, the embalmers might further adorn it with a face mask and additional jewelry before placing the body in its coffin."

1 comment:

  1. I have been doing some personal research on Ancient Egyptian History and came across your work viewing images of emabalming. Your work is fantastic. I would love to create my own diaromas. I think you should video your process and technique and post them for others to see and for you to receive more exposure.

    Wishing you all the best, Omar
