Sunday, January 31, 2021

Mattel Dream Mobile

 In 2020 Mattel, in its Hot Wheels line, released a Hot Wheels version of its first vehicle, the Dream Mobile, released in 1953.

From the back of the card: "In 1953, Elliot Handler and Joseph Kossof designed what would be Mattel's first toy vehicle, but it wasn't a Hot Wheels; it was a futuristic bubble-topped convertible with a friction motor called the Mattel Dream Car. Now that first vehicle has been recreated in die-cast as a fitting tribute to a dream that became a reality."

After that was released, I actually noticed one "in the wild" while at an antique shop.

In rough shape, and not complete, but still a neat toy. Wasn't willing to pay their asking price, but may try to add this to my vintage collection.

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